Saturday, May 24, 2014


Born - Chicago Illinois

Likes- Spending time with family, making people laugh, the piano, music, movies, cookouts, gardening, working out, going into downtown Chicago - it's so beautiful, puppies, animals, and of course all types of chocolate and Ms. Fields cookies - ummm goood !!

Dislikes- Bullies, injustices, liars, backstabbers, the corrupt court system, racist people, hateful people, unorganization, dirtiness, things out of order, and rush hour going into downtown Chicago!

Martin Valadez Reg.No. 21598-424
United States Penitentiary McCreary
P.O. Box 3000
Pine Knot, Kentucky 42635

Looking for great people that have been through unfortunate circumstances.  Life is Tough!  And sometimes the daily battles we face are just too much to fight alone.  No one is perfect, especially not me.  And in life we all make mistakes.  God knows I've made many or else I wouldn't be in prison.

One of my biggest mistakes was giving my unconditional love, trust and loyalty to my so called friends.  Tragically, because of the trust I foolishly gave away, my children are now paying the ultimate price...growing up without a father!!

Unless you are extremely rich, a rat or an informant for the government you receive an insane amount of time by the Federal Courts.  Like many others in this Federal system I was victim of corrupt cops and vindictive prosecutors.  I know you might find it hard to believe so I encourage you to visit my Face book page or go to type in police brutality/Martin Valadez and you will be amazed.  After that, you can make a decision for yourself.  I truly believe that you will be shocked and horrified by what you read, see, and hear.  As they saying goes - seeing is believing !!

For a long time I was filled with a lot of hate and anger. So many lies were said about me during my trial and sentencing.  The lies are the reason I received a life sentence in prison.  Because of this horrific nightmare my days and nights were consumed with debilitating emotions that knocked me to the ground.  It seems like the harder I tried to get up the more I was held down.

Why is it in life that when someone is down others would rather kick them in the face than help them up?  A question that baffles my mind and no matter how hard I try I cannot find the answer to.  I've taken many wounds during this battle.  At times some of them almost fatal, and others that have brought me to my knees.  But I'm standing tall now and I've learned to let go of that hate and anger.  I'm ready to open up my heart, let people in and march forward.

Through this terrible journey I've learned and seen so much.  One being that you can't change hateful people.  Time makes you realize that it's up to them to reach deep into their hearts and make that decision.  All you can do is change yourself and strive to be a better person.

What's important is that I keep my eyes on the prize and that is to be physically free with my children, family, friends and loved ones.  But to get home I NEED HELP - I NEED REAL FRIENDS who can HELP me do that.

Of course financial resources are a necessity in this legal struggle.  And although you do need them, that's not what I'm asking for.  I'm very aware of the economic crises out there and the undeserved suffering everyone is going through.  My heart  and prayers go out to everyone that have lost their homes and are without the things they need.

Maybe you're a lawyer, a reporter, an amazing researcher on the computer or just a good hearted person that believes in correcting injustices done to others.  Then you can help someone who truly needs it and instead dying like a caged animal,  I can live free again with those I love !!

Sadly true in here one becomes forgotten by those he once knew.  The world keeps turning and life keeps burning, with or without you!   This I've painfully learned to accept and although it is extremely flattering and uplifting to receive letters from amazing women, really all that  matters is that your heart is in the right place.

So if you do believe in love, loyalty or being a real friend in a time of need, then I'm looking for you.  God bless - with so much love!

Always True,